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Ignatieva E.Iv., Gordeev K.E., Olencevich V.А. Novye tekhnologii krepleniya opasnyh i hrupkih gruzov pri perevozke zheleznodorozhnym transportom [New technologies for securing dangerous and fragile goods for carriage by rail]. Molodaya nauka Sibiri: ehlektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal [Young science of Siberia: electronic scientific journal], 2021, no. 1. [Accessed 07/06/21]

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Within the framework of the presented article, it is proposed to solve the problem aimed at improving the level of safety and reliability when transporting dangerous and fragile goods by rail using modern fasteners. To implement the task, based on the presented data, the authors analyzed the results of the work of the transport and logistics unit of Russian Railways OJSC. Satisfaction with the quality of services provided in all areas of activity was assessed. Criteria for assessing the level of satisfaction with rail transport services by their importance are presented.

As one of the reliable methods of securing dangerous and fragile goods during transportation by rail, it is proposed to use a pneumatic shell, this method of fastening is the simplest, most versatile and reliable means, the use of which is possible in complex with other fasteners. The pneumatic shell not only allows to fix the transported cargo during loading into rolling stock, but also fills technological voids between units of cargo taking into account their geometric parameters.

The arrangement and fixation of brittle cargo transported in boxes in a covered car were constructed and compared using the existing Technical Conditions for the placement and fixation of cargo in wagons and containers operating in Russian Railways and using a pneumatic shell made of laminated polypropylene compacted material equipped with an air intake/exhaust valve. The total savings from the application of the proposed cargo attachment technology amounted to 4545.03 thousand rubles per year.

Список цитируемой литературы: 

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