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Konnov V. I. Issledovaniye pucheniya na uchastke dorogi v Zabaikaliye [Inspection of roads soil heaving in Zabaikaliye]. Molodaya nauka Sibiri: ehlektronnyj  zhurnal [Young science of Siberia: electronic scientific journal], 2020, no. 4 (10). – Access mode: http://mnv.irgups.ru/toma/ – 2020 – Title from the screen. - Yaz. Rus

Номер журнала (Том): 
УДК 624.139.2
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There is a significant number of sites in Zabaikaliye where the processes of soils heaving in the cold period of the year and soils subsidence in the warm period take place. So the section of the highway Ulan-Ude - Chita 55+000 km – 55+950 km has been surveyed. The main task of the research was to determine the natural and anthropogenic processes causing frost heaving of the highway and the bridge foundations in the cold period of the year and their subsidence in the warm period. As a result of inspection the following conclusions are drawn: there are active processes of heaving of the road bed in winter period and ground subsidence of a roadbed in summer months; the water-collecting area located on the right side of the road is strongly boggy that substantially promotes sag of a road bed during the warm period; road ditches aren't formed; drilling of wells established the level of underground waters at a depth of 3,0-3,5 m; the waterproof layer is put by loams; construction of the mountain channel for assignment of streams from the road is impossible in view of marshiness of this site. It is necessary to carry out engineering and geodetic, engineering-geological, engineering and hydrogeological researches, to continue monitoring of heaving processes of the basis and a bed of the road.

Список цитируемой литературы: 

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