Estimation of the efficiency of implementation of intellectual energy infrastructure of railways with power supply of stationary consumers

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Tretyakov E. A., Cheremisin V. T. Ocenka effektivnosti vnedreniya intellektual'noj energeticheskoj infrastruktury zheleznyh dorog pri elektrosnabzhenii stacionarnyh potrebitelej [Evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of intelligent energy infrastructure of railways when supplying stationary consumers]. Molodaya nauka Sibiri: ehlektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal [Young science of Siberia: electronic scientific journal] - 2020. - No. 4(10). - Access mode: http://mnv.irgups.ru/toma/410-20, free. - Zagl. from the screen. - Yaz. Russian, English (date of the application: 10.11.2020)

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The article presents the main directions of the implementation of intelligent energy infrastructure when supplying power to stationary consumers of railways.

Simulation modeling of technical solutions in the field of information and control systems for coordinated control of voltage, power flows, reconfiguration, restoration of normal mode in electrical networks of stationary railroad consumers was carried out on the basis of a multi-agent approach as applied to the real section of power supply. The block diagram of the operation of an intelligent electronic device of the substation level is presented. To reduce congestion, increase throughput, a promising approach to the reconfiguration of the power supply system for stationary railway consumers was implemented based on solving the problems of optimizing normal modes and minimizing electricity consumption without calculating the steady-state modes at the rate of changes in the demand for electricity. An algorithm for automatic restoration of normal operation in electric networks of railways is proposed.

The research results have shown the technical efficiency of the presented algorithms of information and control systems for coordinated control of voltage, power flows, reconfiguration, restoration of normal mode in electric networks of stationary railway consumers. The expected calculated increase in the reliability of power supply (reduction of failures of technical means, the average number of outages) is 7%, a decrease in power losses - 23%, an increase in throughput - up to 41%, a reduction in the cost of maintaining the energy infrastructure - 12%. The payback period will be less than 6 years, subject to the digitalization of traction and transformer substations of railways.

Список цитируемой литературы: 

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