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Pultyakov A.V., Bray A.A. SWOT-analis videleniya remontnoi sostavlyaushei v hozyaistve avtomatiki i telemeaniki [SWOT-analysis of the allocation of the repair component in the automation and telemechanics facilities]. Molodaya nauka Sibiri: ehlektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal [Young science of Siberia: electronic scientific journal], 2019, no. 3.

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This article discusses the feasibility of highlighting the repair vertical in the economy of automation and telemechanics. The strengths and weaknesses of this process are shown both within the economy and in external interaction. The experience of the October Railway pilot project on re-profiling the operating distance of the signaling system into a repair one specializing exclusively in the repair of railway automation and telemechanics devices is given.

Список цитируемой литературы: 

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