Voiloshnikov A.A., Solskaya I.Yu. Koordinaciya kak instrument povysheniya ekonomicheskoj effektivnosti v sisteme professional'nogo obucheniya OAO «RZHD» [Coordination as a tool for increasing economic efficiency in the vocational training system of Russian Railways] Molodaya nauka Sibiri: ehlektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal [Young science of Siberia: electronic scientific journal], 2020, no. 3. [Accessed 03/10/20]
Management organization issues do not lose their relevance in the face of changing strategic business conditions. These issues are becoming more acute in connection with a change in the external circumstances of doing business, primarily related to the worsening market conditions. The lack of external stimulation for the development of the industry predetermines the need to focus most on the internal resources of corporations. Therefore, productivity and continuity of production are such important factors that even a small improvement in production management leads to significant financial savings.
A large holding company such as Russian Railways is a complex multi-level system that contains many different interconnected subsystems, including a subsystem for professional training of workers. Improving the effectiveness of corporate governance depends on such an intensive factor as the quality of the workforce, supported, first of all, by the corporate system of professional training.
One of the main directions of increasing the effectiveness of targeted management in multi-level corporate systems is to solve the coordination problem between its subsystems, aimed at optimizing internal interactions.
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