Requirements for articles


Requirements for articles published in the Electronic scientific journal "Young Science of Siberia"

  • The article in electronic form is sent to the journal by e-mail: for approval. After passing the approval procedure, a copy of the article signed by the author (s) and the originals of all accompanying documents are provided at the address: 664074, Irkutsk, Chernyshevsky street 15. Office B-204. Irkutsk State Transport University .
  • Article size 4-12 pp. A4.

Accompanying documents for the article:

  • application form for publication (all authors make out)(download sample application);
  • expert opinion on the possibility of publication.

Article submission guidelines 

(Download the article sample):

  • All articles are sent for review to the editors of the relevant sections of the journal. 

The article must be original (not previously published). Unique articles must be at least 70% (check on the website

Each article should contain the following data presented in a single file format Microsoft Word:

    • UDC index (;
    • title of the article in Russian and English;
    • author (s) surnames and initials in Russian and English (see recommendations);
    • abstract in Russian and English, made according to the requirements of the journal;
    • keywords in Russian and English (see recommendations);
    • Bibliography list (minimum 15 sources) and references to it (see recommendations) on russokom and English. The editorial Board recommends to include at least 25% of references to foreign authors, as well as to get acquainted with the works of scientists of IrGUPS on the subject of work.
    • Information about the authors of the journal in Russian and English.
    • References for citation in Russian and English.
  • The article should be structured (formulation of the problem (s), theoretical (methodological) justification, description of the main results of theoretical and empirical research, conclusions), containing the study of the actual problem.
  • Tables should contain only necessary data and represent generalized and statistically processed materials. Each table is provided with a title and inserted into the text after the paragraph with the first reference to it.
  • Each figure should have a caption (below the figure), which explains all its elements. You should use Microsoft Office Excel to create graphs and charts. Each figure must be inserted in the text as an object of Microsoft Office Excel.
  • Bibliographic references in the text should be given in square brackets in accordance with the numbering in the list of references. References for the original article - not less than 5 and not more than 15 sources. The list of references is compiled in alphabetical order-first domestic, then foreign authors and is made in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5 2008.
  • The editorial Board reserves the right to reduce and edit the articles.
  • The text of the article is carefully read and signed by the author (s), who (s) is responsible for the originality of the research and the scientific and theoretical level of the published material.
  • Articles of students, postgraduates and applicants for the degree of candidate of Sciences are additionally signed by the supervisor/consultant.
  • The article is submitted in paper and electronic form. The paper version should fully comply with the electronic version. The following parameters must be considered when typing an article:
    • Page and paragraph: padding top and bottom-2 cm; left and right-2 cm; paragraph indentation (tab) - 1 cm; orientation-book; font – Times New Roman, size-12, 10 PT, line spacing-single, word wrap-automatic;
    • Caption of figures and tables: font – Times New Roman, size-10, line spacing-single, bold.
    • When inserting formulas, use only Microsoft Equation 3 with parameters: formula elements for Greek letters and symbols font Symbol, for other elements – font Times New Roman (the use of letters of the Russian alphabet in the formula is undesirable). Character size: normal-12 PT, large index-7 PT, small index-5 PT, large symbol-18 PT, small symbol-12 PT. All explications of formula elements in the text should also be performed in the form of formulas.
    • Figures should be presented in the article file with a resolution of 300 dpi, should allow movement in the text and the ability to change the size. The journal does not accept articles with vertically expanded (landscape orientation) figures and tables.

The order of consideration of articles submitted to the editorial Board of the Electronic scientific journal " Young science of Siberia»:

  • articles are accepted for consideration in strict compliance with the author (s) of the rules of registration of the article and the presence of all accompanying documents;
  • received articles are considered by the editorial Board in accordance with the rules, see " the procedure for reviewing articles";
  • the editorial Board reserves the right to reject articles that do not meet the requirements or topics of the journal;
  • if the article is rejected from publication, the editorial Board sends a reasoned refusal to the author;
  • the editorial Board does not enter into a discussion with the authors of rejected materials and does not return the manuscript.