Yakhno T.V., Kozulin U.D. Russkie i anglijskie pogovorki v kontekste yazykov i kul'tur [English and Russian proverbs as the reflection of the language and the culture] Molodaya nauka Sibiri: ehlektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal [Young science of Siberia: electronic scientific journal], 2021, no. 1. [Accessed 31/05/21]
The article discusses the features of the use of proverbs in Russian and English. Figurative and laconic sayings, containing wisdom and teachings, reflect the national and cultural identity of the people. The structural and semantic components of proverbs and sayings are studied. The article analyzes the origin of sayings. The article compares the interpretations of sayings with similar semantic content in English and Russian. Both common and specific meanings of Russian and English sayings in the languages under consideration are revealed. Examples of the expression of auto and heterostereotypes in proverbs and sayings are considered.
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