Monid O.I., Kopanev M.V., Kondratyuk T.V. Analiz prichin i posledstviy deystviya grozovykh perenapryazheniy v sistemakh ZHAT. [Analysis of the causes and consequences of the action of lightning overvoltages in railway automation and telemechanics systems] Elektronnyy resurs [Electronic resource] / O.I. Monid // Molodaya nauka Sibiri: ehlektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal [Young science of Siberia: electronic scientific journal], 2021, no. 1. [accessed 12/02/21]
Lightning overvoltages have the highest multiplicity, while they are the shortest in terms of exposure time and the most difficult for railway automation and telemechanics devices (RAT). Switching overvoltages, on the other hand, have a small multiplicity, but can exist for hours. Therefore, lightning overvoltages in RAT devices are the most relevant. The article analyzes the effect of overvoltages on signaling devices during the thunderstorm period of 2020 in the service of automation and telemechanics of the East Siberian Directorate of Infrastructure (ESDI) and the reasons for violations during atmospheric overvoltages. The influence of atmospheric overvoltages on the functioning of RAT devices, the nature of the source of lightning overvoltages are considered. The analysis of "Pareto" is presented, from which it can be seen which RHAT devices are most susceptible to atmospheric overvoltage. The topic of the work is of great practical importance, since protection against lightning overvoltages is one of the most difficult technical and economic problems, which, at present, cannot be completely solved due to the insufficiently studied theoretical part and imperfection of available technologies
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