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Zheleznyak V.N. Ensuring the safety of rolling stock motion according to the mctm indications depending on the type of the buxing unit [Electronic resource] / V.N. Zheleznyak, L.V. Martynenko, V.A. Ivanova, E.A. Timakova, O.L. Malomyzhev // "Young science of Siberia": electron. scientific journal, 2020. no. 4.

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This article discusses the temperature dependences leading to the failure of axleboxes on freight rolling stock. The main faults and defects that influenced the axle box failure are presented. In operation, the serviceability of bearings is determined mainly by the heating temperature of the axlebox units. The main control of temperature changes is carried out using an automated device that reads information on the heating of the axle box unit using an infrared emitter built into the KTSM.

Axleboxes of cars and locomotives have always been a subject of special control to ensure the safety of rolling stock movement. In the context of an increased increase in travel speeds and an increased carrying capacity throughout the railway network, the load on the running gear of the car and the axle box as a whole has increased. In this situation, the efficiency of the axle box unit decreases, and the load increases, which leads to incorrect operation and failure of this unit. The article discusses the statistics on the heating of the axlebox unit in the even and odd directions. The data taken from the KTSM devices for a comparative analysis of the movement of cars with different technical parameters and transported cargo, as well as malfunctions in the "wheel-rail" system are presented. In operation, there are often malfunctions arising from jammed bearings, which occur when the rolling elements are incorrectly selected in length and diameter. Cuts of freight rolling stock mainly occur due to failures of axlebox units and the main percentage of failure falls on malfunctions of the end attachment and rolling elements of the bearing.

Список цитируемой литературы: 

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