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Kashpurova O. V., Shcherbina A.S. Cifrovaia economika: riski i vozmozshnosti [Digital economy: risks and opportunities]. Molodaya nauka Sibiri: ehlektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal [Young science of Siberia: electronic scientific journal], 2020, no. 4. [Accessed: 11/02/20]

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Definitions of the scale of global digitalization, considers various risks and opportunities of digitalization of the economy and the possibilities of the digital economy on the example of the Russian Railways company, the Irkutsk region, and in Russia. The study shows that digitalization, in addition to its benefits, has a number of risks and problems that should be taken into account when introducing digital technologies in order to avoid serious socio-economic consequences. When all risks are taken into account, digital technology can dramatically improve productivity while reducing costs through innovative, flexible and adaptable technology solutions.

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