Sadyrin E.A. THE FORECASTING METHOD IN COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE CONDITION OF THE RAIL FASTENING SYSTEM [Electronic resource] / E. A. Sadyrin // "Young science of Siberia": electron. scientific journal – 2020. – № 2(8). – Access mode:, free. – Zagl. from the screen. – Yaz. Russian, English.
Rail fastenings are fundamental to the safe operation of a railway track. They provide a fixed track gauge, help to improve track geometry, reliable operation and lower operating costs. One of the main reasons why defects appear in rail fastenings is the horizontal and lateral forces directed from the rolling stock to the rails when the trains move in the curved sections of the track. Depending on the radius of the curved section and its load capacity, the total number of malfunctions in the sections may differ. We conducted a comparative analysis demonstrating the aforementioned tendency using the forecasting method. For the research, we used the results of general inspections over the period 2013-2018 on the second and third routes of the Meget-Battery railroad of the East Siberian Railway.
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