The Eurasian Economic Union in the Fight Against COVID-19

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Skorobogatov L.V., Marchenko S.S. Evrazijskij ekonomicheskij soyuz v bor'be s COVID-19 [The Eurasian Economic Union in the Fight Against COVID-19]. Molodaya nauka Sibiri: ehlektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal [Young science of Siberia: electronic scientific journal], 2020, No. 2. Access mode: http://mnv.irgups.ru/toma/28-20, free. Title from the screen. Languages: Russian, English [appeal date: 06.07.2020].

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Coronavirus not only checks the strength of people and countries, but also alliances. The pandemic demonstrated the importance of pursuing common policies in the EAEU in the field of industry and agribusiness, and joint import substitution programs in the most important sectors for the economy and livelihoods. Effectiveness in the fight against COVID-19 can be enhanced by the introduction of joint measures, monitoring, and meeting with participating countries at any stage of the spread of coronavirus infection. COVID-19 is an infection that has spread to almost all countries in the world.

This article describes how coronavirus infection has affected the Eurasian Economic Union, in particular in the area of economic security. The measures introduced by the countries participating in the EAEU are considered both at the national level and at the Union level. How is internal assistance provided to member countries of the Union, as well as to third countries outside the Union? The influence of the problems associated with COVID-19 on the Eurasian Economic Union and what solutions are proposed by the Eurasian Economic Commission are described.

Based on the results obtained, the following conclusions are formulated: The EAEU is a large, international organization that, despite a large-scale problem, has confirmed its desire to maintain unity. In connection with the pandemic, many other factors follow that shake the EAEU and at the same time test its strength, but overcoming all difficulties, together can give a big impetus to further strong cooperation of the EAEU member countries.

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