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Dinets D.A., Butenas O.A. Vozmozhnosti raboty EC ASUTR [The role of professional judgment of an accountant in the formation of the accounting policy of an economic entity] Molodaya nauka Sibiri: ehlektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal [Young science of Siberia: electronic scientific journal], 2021, no. 1. [Accessed 26/05/21]

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In this paper, the application of the functions of the EK ASUTR system in the process of working on railway transport is considered. The authors describe the capabilities that ERP can provide. The concept of transactional systems is also given. ERP-systems provide control of all types of costs, personal data accounting, production management. The article contains information about the structure of the EC ASUTR, its functions, application in the process of human resource management, describes the capabilities of a certain specialist in this system. This paper examines the process of the system, its functional features and the scope of action in various modules. The functions and responsibilities of an engineer for organization and regulation and a specialist in personnel management are defined. Their responsibilities and activities in the EC ASUTR are described in detail. The article shows the main goals and opportunities in the performance of work. The principle of calculating the bonus for an employee of one of the railway departments is stated. The article also discusses examples of joint work of several directorates. A detailed description of the responsibilities of each of the divisions in the process of performing joint work is given. The conclusion is made about the importance of the EK ASUTR system in JSC «Russian Railways».

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