Some Features of the Implementation of the Constitutional Status of a Citizen of the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic: Historical and Legal Analysis

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Samborskaya V.D., Delegeoz E.G. Nekotoryye osobennosti realizatsii konstitutsionnogo statusa grazhdanina FRG i GDR: istoriko-pravovoy analiz [Some Features of the Implementation of the Constitutional Status of a Citizen of the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic: Historical and Legal Analysis]. Molodaya nauka Sibiri: ehlektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal [Young science of Siberia: electronic scientific journal], 2021, No. 2. Access mode:, free. Title from the screen. Languages: Russian, English [appeal date: 13.05.2021].

Journal number: 
УДК 34.05:342.41
Article File: 

Abstract: The constitutional traditions in Germany in the period from the beginning of the German Empire to the unification of the FRG and the GDR are considered from the point of view of the constitutional status of a citizen. The Constitution of the German Empire, the Weimar Constitution, the basic laws of the FRG and the GDR, as well as the modern constitution of the FRG are studied in order to trace in historical retrospect the process of securing the constitutional status of a citizen in the organic law and to compare the features of the implementation of this status in the newly formed after the Second World War GDR and the FRG. The author studies the consolidation of the constitutional status of a citizen by the modern Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany.

List of references: 

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