Problems of Implementing a Combined Reorganization of Legal Entities

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Pakharukov A. A., Chumbadze T.T. Problemy osushchestvleniya kombinirovannoy reorganizatsii yuridicheskikh lits [Problems of Implementing a Combined Reorganization of Legal Entities]. Molodaya nauka Sibiri: ehlektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal [Young science of Siberia: electronic scientific journal], 2021, No. 2. Access mode:, free. Title from the screen. Languages: Russian, English [appeal date: 12.06.2021].

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УДК 347.191.6
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Abstract. Topical issues of the combined reorganization of legal entities are considered. The main types of combined reorganization have been studied - mixed reorganization, joint reorganization and complex reorganization. Analysis of the current civil legislation and the practice of its application made it possible to conclude that there are defects in the system of legal regulation of this area of public relations. Issues arising in connection with the issue of securities during a combined reorganization, the formation of the authorized capital of reorganized legal entities, as well as with the protection of creditors' rights during a combined reorganization are investigated. Hotel proposals have been put forward to improve the current civil legislation on combined reorganization.

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