Legal Characteristics of the Factoring Agreement

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Vlasenko A.I., Turkova V.N. Pravovaya kharakteristika dogovora faktoringa [Legal Characteristics of the Factoring Agreement]. Molodaya nauka Sibiri: ehlektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal [Young science of Siberia: electronic scientific journal], 2021, No. 2. Access mode:, free. Title from the screen. Languages: Russian, English [appeal date: 13.05.2021].

Journal number: 
УДК 347.457
Article File: 

Annotation. A legal description is given of a relatively new institution of civil law - a financing agreement against the assignment of a monetary claim (factoring agreement) under the legislation of Russia. The main differences from the contract of purchase and sale, loan, paid provision of services are determined. The controversial issues of the terminology used in the legislation of the Russian Federation in relation to the factoring agreement are revealed. The questions concerning the parties to the factoring agreement are touched upon, as well as the conditions and form of its conclusion. Clarified the main classification of factoring contracts. Studied legislative regulation and judicial practice.

List of references: 

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