Matyunin V.A. Influence of train driving modes on longitudinal and lateral forces occurring in curved sections [Electronic resource] / V.A. Matyunin, I.L. Parahnenko // Young science of Siberia: electron. scientific. zhurn. – 2021. – No. 1(11). – Access mode:, free. - Title from the screen. - Yaz. rus, eng.
The length of the curves of the railway sections of the Russian Federation is 33% of the total length of the tracks, of which 13% are curves of small radii from 400 to 700 m. When rolling stock passes along curves of a small radius in the "wheel-rail" contact, longitudinal and lateral forces arise, which in turn lead to a violation of the geometry of the track, and also increases the wear of wheel pairs and rails.
The rolling stock moves in three modes: traction, run-out and braking, depending on the longitudinal profile. The article presents the results of the study of the longitudinal and lateral forces in the wheel-rail contact that occur in the curved sections, obtained by modeling in the program complexes "ISKRA-PTR" and "Universal Mechanism" [1]. These software packages allow you to set various parameters, such as the speed of movement, curves and straight inserts for the modeling section (macrogeometry) and calculate the driving modes of the train.
The object of the test is a freight rolling stock with a length of 968 m and a weight of 6494 tons with speed variations on the railway track and with different parameters.
Based on the obtained data, it was found that as the radius of the curve decreases, the force effect between the wheel and the rail increases. The maximum values of the forces were 38.5 kN when moving in a curve with a radius of 380 m, and for a curve with a maximum radius of 990 m under the same conditions, the values of the forces were 18.5 kN. Also, as the speed increased, the power loads changed in a larger direction.
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