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Belkova Yu. D., Simochenko A. S., Belogolov Yu. I. Sovremennyye sistemy interval'nogo regulirovaniya dvizheniya poyezdov [Modern systems of interval train control]. Molodaya nauka Sibiri: ehlektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal [Young science of Siberia: electronic scientific journal], 2021, no. 2. [Accessed 23/08/21]

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This article discusses the systems of interval regulation of train traffic, which are gradually being introduced on the railways of Russia. For several years now, much attention has been paid to the issue of introducing interval control systems. At this stage, the existing outdated systems are being replaced with more progressive ones, which are aimed at reducing the intervals between moving trains and increasing the capacity of railway lines. Consideration of these systems made it possible to more clearly trace the path of their development and highlight the main parameters for comparison with each other. For a more convenient comparison, the information on the systems is given in the form of a table, which, according to the authors, includes the main (interval), as well as minor parameters for which comparison should be made. Some of the information on the systems is missing, therefore, to compare them with each other, secondary parameters were considered. It should be noted that this comparison is rather approximate, and for accurate assessment and comparison of systems, of course, their approbation is required under equal operating conditions. In the final part, a number of explanations are given and a conclusion is made about a gradual trend towards an increase in the number of trains on the stretch due to systems that allow reaching the minimum allowable interval between trains, eliminating clear boundaries in the form of block sections and passing traffic lights, as well as the ubiquitous placement of equipment within the station. (centralized placement). These parameters were the main ones when creating an alternative system of interval control of train traffic "Anaconda". Consideration of this system is beyond the scope of the article will be considered in subsequent publications.

Список цитируемой литературы: 
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