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Krushinskaya O.I., Monastyreva K.S. Tendencii i perspectivy investicionnogo bankinga RF [Prospects and trends of investment banking in RF]. Molodaya nauka Sibiri: ehlektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal [Young science of Siberia: electronic scientific journal], 2021, no. 2. [Accessed 30/06/2021]

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The analysis of investment activities of commercial organizations in the Russian Federation is carried out. During the analyzed period, the investment activities of Russian banks did not receive much development, however, some banks implement investment activities on a larger scale than others, and therefore, with a certain degree of confidence, they can be called «investment banks».

Analysis of banks - leaders in terms of trade turnover as a whole and in terms of the number of active clients for 2 months of 2021, as well as in terms of the volume of transactions carried out on the stock market and the bond market during 2018-2020. showed that it is possible to single out those investment banks that are found in high positions in the ratings most often - these are banks such as FG BCS, VTB, Sberbank, Renaissance Broker LLC, which have a more universal nature of investment banking, which is able to provide stable level of income with a minimum level of risk.

After analyzing the data of the two investment banks, we came to the conclusion that VTB and Sberbank are undoubtedly the leaders in their activities and have a lot of weight in the provision of investment services. At the same time, VTB is more superior to Sberbank, both in terms of the volume of client operations and the implementation of transactions on the stock and bond market. This result can be determined by the financial position of the bank, the number of financial instruments, the client base, the amount of transactions concluded, as well as internal and external economic indicators.

At this stage of development, a number of problems are observed in the activities of investment banking in the Russian Federation, for the solution of which appropriate prerequisites have been formed.

We believe that the promising areas of investment banking are the universalization of banks, diversification of services, the provision of trust management services for individuals' capital, the stimulation of consulting activities, and the attraction of large foreign investors to the Russian market.

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