Loginova E.A., Ermolenko I.Yu., Morozov D.V. Vliyanie prodol'nyh sil na otcepki gruzovyh vagonov v neplanovyj remont [Influence of longitudinal forces on uncoupling of freight cars during unscheduled repairs]. Molodaya nauka Sibiri: ehlektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal [Young science of Siberia: electronic scientific journal], 2021, no. 1 (11).
The analysis of the efficiency of operation of freight cars for 2019-2020 has been carried out. The growing dynamics of uncoupling of cars for unscheduled repairs due to malfunctions of the automatic coupler is shown and the search for the main reasons is made.
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6. Ermolenko I. Yu., Zheleznyak V.N., Martynenko L.V. Force loading of wagon during interaction of truck and bodywork in curves paths // AER-Advances in Engineering Research (vol. 158). 2018. pp. 130-134/
7. Ermolenko I. Yu., Zheleznyak V.N., Martynenko L.V. Interrelation of the causes of failure of the axle boxes and the malfunction of the automatic couplings (type SA-3) // Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Innovation and Sustainability of Modern Railway (ISMR’2018). 2018. pp. 261-264.
8. Romen Yu.S., Muginshtejn L.A., Neverova L.I. Vliyanie prodol'nyh sil v poezdah na opasnost' skhoda vagonov v zavisimosti ot ih zagruzki [Influence of longitudinal forces in trains on the risk of derailing of cars, depending on their load]. Transport Rossijskoj Federacii [Transport of the Russian Federation], 2013, No. 3 (46). pp. 64-68.