Rogozinskaya A.L., Ermolenko I.Yu. Issledovanie silovogo vozdejstviya v kontakte «koleso-rel's» pri nalichii polzuna na poverhnosti kataniya kolesa [Study of power impact in the "wheel-rail" contact in the presence of a slider on the wheel rolling surface]. Molodaya nauka Sibiri: ehlektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal [Young science of Siberia: electronic scientific journal], 2021, no. 1 (11).
The most common defect on the rolling surface of a wheel is a slider, which occurs when a wheelset is slipping, jammed with a brake pad. It is accepted by railway transport specialists that when the slide moves, the edges of the slider are rounded, and it rolls up with the formation of uneven rolling. The article discusses the processes of force impact of various types of sliders on the dynamics of the freight carriage.
1. Ermolenko I.Yu., Rogozinskaya A.L. Opredelenie dinamicheskoj nagruzki ot kolesa na rel's pri izvilistom dvizhenii [Determination of the dynamic load from the wheel to the rail during tortuous motion]. Trudy Rostovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta putej soobshcheniya [Proceedings of the Rostov State University of Railways], 2020, No. 4 (53). pp. 40-44.
2. MazovYu.N., Loktev A.A., Sychev V.P. Otsenka vliyaniya defektov koles podvizhnogo sostava na sostoyanie zheleznodorozhnogo puti [Assessing the Influence of Wheel Defects of a Rolling Stock on Railway Tracks]. Vestnik MGSU [Proceedings of Moscow State University of Civil Engineering], 2015, No. 5, pp. 61-72.
3. Kogan A.Ya., Verkhotin А.А. Raschet vozdejstviya na put' kolesnoj pary s polzunom [Calculation of the impact on the path of a wheelset with a slider]. Issledovaniya vozmozhnostej povysheniya skorostej dvizheniya poezdov: sb. nauch. tr. [Research into the possibilities of increasing train speeds]. Moscow: Transport, 1984, 224 p.
4. Ermolenko I.Yu. Vliyanie profilya puti gornogo uchastka VSZHD na silovoe vzaimodejstvie «koleso-rel's» s uchetom eksperimental'nyh parametrov vagona-laboratorii [Influence of the track profile of the mountainous section of the ESRR on the force interaction "wheel-rail" taking into account the experimental parameters of the laboratory car]. Vestnik Irkutskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta: Nauchnyj zhurnal [Irkutsk State Technical University Bulletin: Scientific Journal], 2017, Vol. 21, No. 2 (121). pp. 73-80. DOI: 10.21285 / 1814-3520-2017-2-170-180
5. Ermolenko I.Yu., Zheleznyak V.N. Ocenka dinamicheskogo vozdejstviya v kontakte «koleso-rel's» na primere poezdnyh ispytanij pri dvizhenii po uchastku gornogo rel'efa mestnosti VSZHD [Evaluation of the dynamic impact in the "wheel-rail" contact on the example of train tests when moving along a section of the mountainous terrain of the East Siberian Railway]. Molodezh'. Nauka. Tekhnologii: sb. nauch. trudov mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakt. konf. studentov i molodyh uchenyh v 4 ch. [The youth. The science. Technologies: Sat. scientific. works of international scientific and practical. conf. students and young scientists at 4 o'clock], 2017, Part 3. pp. 24-30.
6. Ermolenko I.Yu., Zheleznyak V.N. Methodology for evaluating of the interaction of wagons and path on the mountain-gorge areas // IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 760 (2020) 012020 IOP Publishing.