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Tsvik L.B. Measurement and control systems for testing material samples for fatigue strength [Electronic resource] / L.B. Cvik, O.L. Malomyzhev, L.V. Martynenko, D.O. Malomyzhev // "Young science of Siberia": electron. scientific journal, 2020. no. 4.

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When improving the structures of railway rolling stock, there is a need to test the materials of its parts for fatigue strength. Resource tests for fatigue strength can be carried out both during sea trials at special landfills, and on stands in laboratory conditions. The cost of performing tests in the laboratory is much simpler and cheaper, which emphasizes their importance and cost-effectiveness.

The article proposes the development of a control system for testing samples of material for fatigue strength, as well as a system for measuring and registering the force acting on the sample, and the ability to control the nature of the sample loading.

Methods have been developed for obtaining various loading modes of the tested material and selecting the corresponding real operating modes of railway rolling stock parts

An eccentric shaft positioning system is proposed, which provides the convenience of creating the necessary maximum load on the sample, as well as the convenience of replacing samples after testing is completed.

The developed system for recording changes in the force acting on the sample during the test process provides high measurement accuracy, allows testing with registration on a flash drive, and also provides convenience for measuring the maximum value of the force when setting up the stand before testing.

It is possible to register the number of loading cycles, with the output of information on a digital display.

Список цитируемой литературы: 

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