Features of customs and tariff regulation for sensitive goods

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Pashaeva G. T., Tyukavkin-Plotnikov A. A. Osobennosti tamozhenno-tarifnogo regulirovaniya v otnoshenii chuvstvitel'nykh tovarov [Features of customs and tariff regulation for sensitive goods] Molodaya nauka Sibiri: ehlektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal [Young science of Siberia: electronic scientific journal], 2020, No. 4. Access mode: http://mnv.irgups.ru/toma/410-20, free. Title from the screen. Languages: Russian, English [appeal date: 12.12.2020].

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The article deals with the issues of customs regulation of sensitive goods and the peculiarity of customs and tariff regulation within the framework of the integration association of the EAEU. The problems of regulation of sensitive goods are revealed. The current state of measures to protect the domestic market of the EAEU member countries is shown. The current state of measures to protect the internal market of the EAEU member states is shown. The list of sensitive goods, priority for industrial cooperation of the EAEU states, includes cars and trucks, fabrics and threads, clothing, garments and other products made from natural fur, combines, tractors, agricultural machinery, rolled steel, glass and pipes. It is shown how, as a result of the creation of the register, the EAEU states will be able to obtain a maximum of information about the applied and planned measures of state regulation and state support in relation to sensitive goods. This information provided a complete and up-to-date picture of government regulation on any sensitive product. In modern conditions of international competition, support for domestic producers is becoming an important task of the state's trade policy. To increase their market share, foreign companies may resort to unfair competition, lowering prices, i.e. use dumping to drive out national players. To combat this, there is an internationally recognized procedure for introducing anti-dumping duties. The economic feasibility of anti-dumping measures has been identified, causing a huge amount of controversy and disagreement. The main dispute is indicated in the determination and establishment of the borderline when the use and application of antidumping measures for the protection against unfair competition goes to their abuse. Basically, antidumping measures have a negative impact on the state of trade and economic relations between countries that are involved in antidumping procedures. The application consists, as well as the beginning of the anti-dumping investigation, leads to a significant decrease in the export of a foreign state and an increase in prices for products of imported origin, which in fact displaces a foreign exporter from the domestic market.

Список цитируемой литературы: 
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