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Perfileva P.V., Zalogova O. I.  Vliyaniye formirovaniya soyedinennykh poyezdov na propusknuyu sposobnost' stantsii [Influence of linked trains formation on terminal capacity] Molodaya nauka Sibiri: ehlektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal [Young science of Siberia: electronic scientific journal], 2020, no. 4. [Accessed 25/12/20]

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The article studies the influence of the formation of linked trains on capacity and operational performance indicators of the station in conditions of increasing traffic volumes. The calculation of the capacity of the classification yard along the yard necks and receiving-and-departure tracks of the yard was made, and the limiting elements in working with linked trains were identified. A comparative analysis of two variants of the station's operation by economic indicators is performed and the conclusion about the unprofitability of forming linked trains at the station in these conditions is made. The main modern developments on the issue of passing linked trains are analyzed. Foreign experience of using interval train control systems that allow performing non-stop formation and disbandment of linked trains is studied. Innovative options for forming trains that allow increasing the capacity and raising the driving efficiency of linked freight trains are considered.

Список цитируемой литературы: 

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