Rozhkova E.A. Analysis of stability of car against rollover during movement in curved sections of track of different radius [Electronic resource] / E.A. Rozhkova, A.N. Astafieva, T.A. Baranova // "Young science of Siberia": electron. scientific journal – 2020. – № 2(8). – Access mode:, free. – Zagl. from the screen. – Yaz. Russian, English (date of the application 16.07.2020)
Analysis of car motion in curves of different radius is performed in order to estimate car tipping outside of curved section of track. The car moving along the curve at speed V is subjected to a horizontal centrifugal force Hz which is directed outward of the curve. It contributes to the rollover of the car, causes unpleasant feelings among passengers and overloads the outer rail, can cause displacement of the goods carried. In order to prevent rollover of the car, the necessary calculations of the stability coefficient of the car against rollover were made in these curves. Based on the results of the calculations, recommendations are given on the necessary elevation of the outer rail for different radii of the curved sections of the track, as well as speed limitation during the car movement.
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