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Библиографическое описание статьи: 

Kutsenko S.M. Methodological support of the discipline «Organization available environment by transport» [Electronic resource] / S.M. Kutsenko, A.V. Stupina, A.A. Tarmaev // "Young science of Siberia": electron. scientific journal – 2020. – № 2(8). – Access mode: http://mnv.irgups.ru/toma/28-20, free. – Zagl. from the screen. – Yaz. Russian, English (date of the application 13.07.2020)

Номер журнала (Том): 
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Despite the fact that about 10% of the population in Russia is classified as low-mobility groups, the problem of ensuring accessibility of transport infrastructure is low. The purpose of the study is to analyze regulatory documents, to provide methodological material to the discipline "Organization of an accessible environment in transport" .The result of all the work is the development of information posters for students studying, who when studying discipline should be able to, know and possess basic information about this course

Список цитируемой литературы: 

1. Konvenciya OON «O pravax invalidov». [UN Convention On the rights of persons with disabilities ], http://docs.cntd.ru

2. Federal`ny`jzakon "O social`nojzashhiteinvalidovv Rossijskoj Federacii". [Federal law "On social protection of disabled persons in the Russian Federation], resurs:https://base.garant.ru

3. SP 59.13330.2012 Dostupnost` zdanij i sooruzhenij dlya malomobil`ny`x grupp naseleniya [SP 59.13330.2012 Accessibility of buildings and structures for people with limited mobility]

4. GOST R 51764-2001 Ustrojstva pod`emny`e transportny`e reabilitacionny`e dlya invalidov. Obshhie texnicheskie trebovaniya [GOST R 51764-2001 Lifting transport rehabilitation Devices for the disabled. General technical requirements]

5. GOST R 51671-2000 Sredstva svyazi i informacii texnicheskie obshhego pol`zovaniya, dostupny`e dlya invalidov. Klassifikaciya. Trebovaniya dostupnosti i bezopasnosti. [GOST R 51671-2000 means of communication and information for General use, accessible to the disabled. Classification. Accessibility and security requirements.]

6. GOST R 52131-2003 Sredstva otobrazheniya informacii znakovy`e dlya invalidov. Texnicheskie trebovaniya. [COST R 52131-2003 means of displaying information sign for the disabled. Specifications.]

7.  Karapetyants I.V. Dostypnaya sreda na transporte [Accessible environment for disabled people in transport] M.: FGBU DPO Uchebno-metodicheskyi zhentr po obrazovaniu na zheleznodorozhnom transporte/[ M.: fgbu DPO "Uchebno-the methodical centre on education on railway transport»],2019/-231s/

8. Bugromenko V. N. Transportnaya diskriminatsiya naseleniya: Puti resheniya problemye [Transport discrimination of the population: Ways to solve the problem //Prometshlenaya politika v RF // Industrial policy in the Russian Federation.]-2003/-№1

9. Arbatskaya L. A., Petrova A. P., Spirin I. V.Teoriticheskie osnovye postroeniya sistemye  upravleniya dostupnost'ya uslug nazemnogo passazhirckogo trancporta/ Vestnik tixookeanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta [Theoretical foundations for building a system for managing the availability of ground passenger transport services // Bulletin of the Pacific state University.]-№15(25)/2008.

10. Zagorsky I. O., Volodkin P. P.Metodika otsenki urovnya obespecheniya bezopasnosti perevozki passazhirov kak pokazateli kachestva transportnogo obsluzhivaniya/Vestnik tixookeanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta [Methodology for assessing the level of passenger transportation safety as an indicator of the quality of transport services // Bulletin of the Pacific state University.]-2009.-№1(12).