The construction of a circuit device for preventing icing of the overhead transmission lines

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Ratushnyak V.S. Postroenie shemnogo reshenija ustrojstva dlja preduprezhdenija obledenenija provodov LJeP [Electronic resource] / Ratushnyak V.S. // Young science of Siberia: electron. sci-entific journal - 2020. - No. 2(8). - Access mode: http://mnv.irgups.ru/toma/28-20, free. - Zagl. from the screen. - Yaz. Russian, English (date of the application: 29.05.2020)

Номер журнала (Том): 
621.313, 537.85
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The article is devoted to the urgent task of developing a device for preventing the formation of ice on the wires of power lines. Variants of the location and method of mounting the device for preventing icing on the wires of power lines are considered and, depending on this, the circuit design features of the device are formulated. The most preferred option for fixing the device is defined: lateral, between phase wires. The analysis of the processes occurring during the discharge of the energy storage device to the inductor system, the equations of motion of the striker with the attached wire are made. The obtained equations of motion must be added to the system of differential equations of the two-circuit equivalent circuit of the inductor system to determine the amplitude of the deflection of the wire and its acceleration upon impact from the side and from the bottom. Criteria are formulated for the removal of water droplets from a wire, depending on the direction of impact, depending on the amplitude of the deflection and acceleration of the wire.


The reported study was funded by RFBR, project number 19-38-90188.

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