Lopatina O.V. THE IMPACT OF IRREGULARITIES ON THE RUNNING SURFACE OF THE WHEELS TO THE NATURE OF THE OCCURRENCE OF VERTICAL DYNAMIC FORCES DURING THE MOVEMENT OF ROLLING STOCK [Electronic resource] / O. V. Lopatina, N.V. Sidorov // “Young Science of Siberia”: electron. scientific journals - 2019. - № 2(4). -Access mode: http://mnv.irgups.ru/toma/24-2019, free. - Title from the screen. - Yaz. Rus.
The article reveals the interaction of the track and rolling stock in the curve. The program complex "Universal mechanism" allows to investigate the mechanical processes occurring in the rolling stock and in the railway track under the influence of them on each other.
In this paper, we investigate the impact of wheel pair irregularities on the surface of the slide (slider) on the nature of the vertical dynamic forces in the movement of the rolling stock in the curve. The study of this interaction is a fundamental physical process in the movement of cars, locomotives and trains on Railways, as it largely determines such important indicators as track width, axle load, static load of cars, weight and speed of trains, as well as the safety of trains.
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