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Ryabov E. A. Automated passenger transportation management system "Express-3» [Electronic resource] /, E. A. Ryabov, P. A. Migunov, K. A. Nilova, M. V. Genievskaya // Young science of Siberia: electron. scientific. journal. - 2018. - №2. - Access mode:   http://mnv.irgups.ru/toma/11-2018 , free.  The title. from the screen. — Lang. Rusyi. English. (date accessed: 12.10.2018)

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In this article, the informatization of passenger transportation management and the development of client orientation are considered. The need for informatization of passenger transportation management is conditioned by the implementation of a new economic policy in rail transport on the basis of a marketing strategy aimed at the commercial efficiency of transport products and increasing its attractiveness in the eyes of the population. At the same time, the main goal is to ensure the stable functioning of railways in the market of transport services for the transportation of passengers, taking into account the factors characteristic of the population of Russia. With this approach, operational management of passenger transportation by means of information technology is of great economic importance, since its quality depends on reducing operating costs for transportation, improving the profitability of passenger transportation and the inflow of additional revenues.

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