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Gramakov D. S. Technology for improving the quality of engineering products. Automated method of high-frequency control. [Electronic resource] / D. S. Gramakov, N. G. Filippenko, D. V. Bakanin, E. F. Farzaliev, A.I.Egorov/ / Young science of Siberia: electron. science. journal. - 2019. - No. 1. - Access mode:, free. The title. from the screen. — Lang. fair-haired., eng. -2019

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In this paper, the authors analyze the mechanical properties and performance characteristics of modern materials. Investigate defects arising in the process of production and operation. Conduct a literary and patent review of the existing methods of control. Put forward as an object of research RF control method as the most suitable in terms of information and reliability. The article presents the tasks of further research.

List of references: 

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