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Tkachenko L.A., Demyanov V.V. Tecknicheskoe perevooruzhenie ustroistv autoblokirovki na uchastke Sludyanka 1 – Utulik [Technical renovation of the automatic block signalling system o the railway haul Sludyanka 1 – Utulik]. Molodaya nauka Sibiri: ehlektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal [Young science of Siberia: electronic scientific journal], 2020, no. 4.

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Reconstruction of railway sections should not lead to a serious disruption of the train schedules for the duration of the reconstruction works. In this regard, an important concomitant task arises: to provide a temporary two-way organization of traffic along each of the routes of the tracks, caused by the induced reconstruction. Reorganization of the movement from a technical point of view is difficult on tracks equipped with an  automatic block signalling system of the «code-pulse automatic blocking (ChKAB)» type. This article discusses a technical solution for the modernization of the working devices of the ChKAB on double-track hauls, using a facilitated transfer of each of the haul tracks to a temporary two-way traffic with alternate reconstruction of tracks on the haul. The main advantage of the technical solution adopted in the project of temporary reconstruction is the use of a two-way ChKAB, which removes the problem of protection from obtaining a more resolving automatic locomotive signalisation  code when the insulating joints at the signal installation and when moving along the wrong path on the stretch of the train package block-section behind the tail of the train. This technical solution makes it possible to significantly reduce the time and facilitate the technical implementation of the process of transferring the haul to the wrong direction of movement, increase the throughput of automatic block signalling system when driving in the wrong direction according to automatic locomotive signalization, increase the reliability of the operation of railway equipment, and  maintain required throughput of the haul during closing traffic on one of its paths for work.

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