Tuzhilin M.V., Tuzhilina L.V. Problemy kontrolya kachestva rabot v sovremennom stroitel’stve [Problems of quality control works in modern construction]. Molodaya nauka Sibiri: ehlektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal [Young science of Siberia: electronic scientific journal], 2021, no. 2. [Accessed 7/06/21]
The article considers modern problems in the field of quality control in construction work, and also considers the issue is being considered scientific and technical support of Building and assembly jobs in order to ensure the proper quality of construction. The article presents the results of research on the planning and implementation of construction works, based on non-standard management decisions using materials and structures of improved quality. It is shown that the quality control system does not allow ensuring compliance with the quality requirements of the construction organization. It should be noted that scientific and technical support does not focus on the implementation of identical quality control functions. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the introduction of a system scientific and technical support for construction activities allows the implementation of activities in the most efficient way. Based on the foregoing, the following conclusions were formulated: the main problem of the construction sector is the lack of proper control over the progress of Building and assembly jobs. Monitoring of systematic or periodic monitoring of changes in the characteristics of buildings and structures is proposed.
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- Tekhnicheskie rekomendatsii po nauchno-tekhnicheskomu soprovozhdeniyu i monitoringu stroitel’stva bol’sheprolyotnykh, vysotnykh i drugikh unikal’nykh zdaniy i sooruzhenii (izvlechenie iz TR 182-08 [Technical recommendations for scientific and technical support and monitoring of the construction of large-span, high-rise and other unique buildings and structures] (extract from TR 182-08).
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