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Perfileva P.V., Kashkarev A. S., Olencevich V.A. Organizaciya perevozok sbornyh gruzov v innovacionnom podvizhnom sostave [Organization of groupage cargo transportation in innovative rolling staff]. Molodaya nauka Sibiri: ehlektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal [Young science of Siberia: electronic scientific journal], 2021, no. 1. [Accessed 07/06/21]

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In the presented article, the authors propose to consider the feasibility of using an innovative car fleet in order to increase the level of throughput and processing capacities of railway lines and infrastructure facilities of Russian Railways, as well as optimize the work of industrial enterprises, users of railway transport services.

The analysis of the structure and reasons for uncoupling of freight cars for routine repairs due to a malfunction of their main units. It was revealed that the use of innovative new generation rolling stock, which has higher reliability characteristics, makes it possible to improve the parameters of the body part in terms of the volume of cargo loading, increases the turnaround time, creates the possibility of increasing the body capacity, and extends the service life of the rolling stock. It has been proven that the use of innovative cars will lead to a sharp reduction in the operated car fleet, since it is associated with the procedure for writing off cars that have expired. In addition, an additional incentive for operators and owners of rolling stock to purchase innovative cars is the fact that a system of government subsidies to buyers and manufacturers has been adopted.

The technology of organizing the transportation of groupage cargo in an innovative rolling stock is considered - the use of pallet wagons based on a covered wagon, which will expand the list of services provided by Russian Railways, and become more customer-oriented in the transport market. This type of transportation allows you to cover a wider range of goods, organize the shipment of groupage cargo on pallets, increase the speed of operations by loading and unloading only those pallets that are currently needed by the consignor or consignee. The negative aspects of the technology are also considered.

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