Shmakova K. A., Kireeva E. S., Olentsevich V. A. Kompleksnoe razvitie i modernizaciya ZHDTS, kak odno iz glavenstvuyushchih napravlenij razvitiya transportnogo kompleksa v celom [Integrated development and modernization of railway trains, as one of the governing directions of development of a transport complex] Molodaya nauka Sibiri: ehlektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal [Young science of Siberia: electronic scientific journal], 2019, no 3. [Accessed 27.12.2019]
The railway transport system is a key transport industry, integrated development and modernization is the main direction of development. The freight turnover of the industry is constantly growing, but in some cases the system is not able to respond flexibly to changes in freight turnover. The article analyzes and presents the main organizational and technical measures aimed at increasing the throughput of railway lines. The implementation of these approaches will allow attracting additional volumes of cargo.
"Strategy for the development of railway transport in the Russian Federation until 2030" (No. 877-r dated 06/17/2008).
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3. Olentsevich V.A., Olentsevich A.A. Quality assessment of the organization of production systems of railway transport // 115 years of railway education in Transbaikalia: Education-science-production: materials of All-Russian. scientific-practical Conf., Chita, 2017.Vol. 1. P. 328-333.
4. Olentsevich V.A., Kramynina G.N., Shnitulenko Yu.A. The effectiveness of the introduction of automated control technology for technological processes of forming trains on a sorting slide // Youth and modern information technology: proceedings of the sixteenth int. scientific-practical conf., Tomsk Polytechnic Institute, 2019.S. 223-224.
5. Olentsevich V.A., Olentsevich A.A., Good Yu.O. Automation of the document management system of the railway sorting station as a way to ensure reliable and safe operation of the rolling stock // Youth and modern information technology: proceedings of the sixteenth int. scientific-practical conf., Tomsk Polytechnic Institute, 2019.S. 225-226.
6. Noskov S.I., Olentsevich V.A. Regression multifactor model of cargo turnover dynamics // Information Technologies and Problems of Mathematical Modeling of Complex Systems, 2015 Irkutsk. IrGUPS, No. 13 S. 66-69.
7. Vlasova A.N., Olentsevich A.A., Belogolov Yu.I. Modeling traffic flows at a tayshet station, followed by analysis and development of regulatory measures Young Siberian science. 2019.No 1 (3). S. 48-53.
8. Belogolov Yu.I., Stetsova Yu.M., Olentsevich A.A. The use of mathematical modeling methods for the management of transport processes on the railway Transport infrastructure of the Siberian region. 2018.V. 1.P. 145-148.