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Gromyshova S.S., Gozbenko V. E. Issledovanie prichin zaderzhek poezdov v slozhnostrukturirovannoj transportnoj sisteme [Investigation of the causes of train delays in a complex transport system]. Molodaya nauka Sibiri: ehlektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal [Young science of Siberia: electronic scientific journal], 2020, no. 4. [Accessed 31/12/20]

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The basis of the organization of train traffic is the schedule, which combines the activities of all divisions of railways. The train schedule shows the degree of implementation of the technology of transportation processes, high-quality operational work, the effectiveness of the use of freight, as well as capacity on the railway network and rolling stock.

In case of violation of the train schedule, the safety indicator in the structural divisions of the entire highway decreases, this leads to a decrease in the level of customer orientation of the industry and large economic losses.

Train delays are the main factor that disrupts the progress of the train schedule, affecting the operation of the entire section, direction, and highway. therefore, the analysis of the causes of train delays is of great importance. The schedule of completed traffic shows train delays in the form of notes. Specific reasons for delays are indicated for each structural unit and are attributed to the responsible service. The article presents an analysis of the failures of technical means that occurred. Measures to eliminate train delays are drawn up on the example of the operational work of the Goncharovo station on the East Siberian Railway.

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