The influence of the height of the roughness of the path (depths) on the magnitude of the vertical force

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Gordeichuk K.G. Influence of the height of the unevenness of the path in the profile (depths) on the magnitude of the vertical force [Electronic resource] / K. G. Gordeichuk, N.V. Chereshneva // “Young Science of Siberia”: electron. scientific journals - 2018. - № 2.-Access mode:, free. - Title from the screen. - Yaz. rus (the date of circulation 08.02.2019)

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This article discusses the effect of the height of the humpback hull on the total dynamic vertical force applied from the wheel of the rolling stock to the rail head. The eaves distort the position of the rails, disturb the smoothness, create a threat to the safety of train traffic. Therefore, traveling maintenance workers with current maintenance must issue warnings about train speeds to decline and, in harsh winter conditions, correct the distortion of the track by installing special deep-sea cards and linings, and in the spring remove these linings from the track [1, с. 121]. All this leads to the appearance of a gap on the TSP and affects the safety of the movement of trains. Therefore, the problem of preventing and eliminating deeps is important.

List of references: 

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