Domojirova А.D. Upyr R.Yu. Povyshenie stabil'nosti kursirovaniya kol'cevyh marshrutnyh poezdov [Increasing the stability of round rout trains]. Molodaya nauka Sibiri: ehlektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal [Young science of Siberia: electronic scientific journal], 2021, no. 1. [Accessed 31/05/21]
The article discusses the process of circulation of round rout trains. The relationship between the arrival and processing times of the train is described. The authors provide a justification, using the example of block trains, of the high value of fulfilling the normative train schedule. The statistics of failures on the route section are given. A method for increasing the stability of the functioning of the block train turnover system is proposed, which consists in the introduction of reserve cars at the loading and unloading stations.
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