Improving the efficiency of operation of ac electric locomotives with smooth control of the excitation current of traction motors

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Volchek T.V.Melnichenko O.V. Improving the efficiency of operation of ac electric locomotives with smooth control of the excitation current of traction motors [Povyshenie effektivnosti ekspluatacii elektrovozov peremennogo toka pri plavnom regulirovanii toka vozbuzhdeniya tyagovyh elektrodvigatelej] Molodaya nauka Sibiri: ehlektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal [Young science of Siberia: electronic scientific journal], 2020, no. 4. [Accessed 15/01/21]

Journal number: 
УДК 629.423.1
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One of the most important tasks of the long-term development program of JSC "Russian Railways" until 2025 is to increase the freight turnover of the railway network. One of the ways to solve this problem is to improve the electric rolling stock, which will lead to an increase in the speed of its movement. Currently, after reaching the maximum voltage at 4-Oh area of control rectifier inverter Converter further increase in speed by field weakening traction motors connected in parallel excitation windings. The standard system of field attenuation of traction electric motors has a number of disadvantages, one of which is a limited number of stages of field attenuation with step switching, which excludes the possibility of maintaining the maximum permissible speed on a railway section. In this regard, an improved field attenuation system based on IGBT transistors with smooth control of the excitation current is proposed, which allows increasing the technical speed of electric rolling stock by at least 2.5 km/h. The article considers the performance indicators of an electric locomotive that will be affected by an increase in the technical speed of trains. It is revealed that the introduction of an improved field attenuation system for traction electric motors will increase the productivity of electric locomotives and the freight turnover of the railway network by 6.8%. The economic effect of the introduction of the proposed system of field attenuation of traction motors for one electric locomotive of the 3ES5K series by increasing the technical speed of electric rolling stock by at least 2.5 km/h will amount to 432,819 thousand rubles.

List of references: 

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