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Martynenko L.V., Emelyanov D.V. Otsenka dinamicheskikh parametrov, voznikayushchikh v kolesnykh parakh telezhki gruzovogo vagona pri prokhozhdenii krivykh uchastkov puti [Estimation of dynamic parameters that occur in the wheel pairs of a freight car bogie during the passage of curved sections of the track]. Molodaya nauka Sibiri: ehlektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal [Young science of Siberia: electronic scientific journal], 2021, no. 1 (11).

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Modern science has a wide variety of ways and methods of studying current problems in the field of railway transport that require technical solutions. One of these methods is an experimental method based on laboratory and practical research. This method is widely used and is advanced in assessing the dynamic parameters that occur in the wheel pairs of a freight car bogie when passing curved sections of the track. The introduction of innovative laboratory equipment in this industry, which allows for a better and more complete assessment of dynamic parameters, is one of the fundamental tasks that need to be solved on the way to obtaining a complete and clear picture of the interactions in the curved sections of the path. The solution to this problem is to expand the capabilities of existing laboratory stands and installations, and to modernize them. And in fact, the approximation of such experimental conditions as: the profile of the track, the curvature of the track, the elevation of the outer rail above the inner rail, the sub-slope of the rails, the presence of defects in the rail track, the speed of movement, to the real operational parameters will allow you to objectively assess the dynamics of the movement of the truck in the curved sections of the track, taking into account all possible features of the railed.

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