Energy characteristics of non-sinusoidal modes in traction power supply systems

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Voronina E.V. Energy characteristics of non-sinusoidal modes in traction power supply systems [Electronic resource] / E.V. Voronina, A.V. Kryukov // Young science of Siberia: electron. scientific journal - 2020. - No. 2(8). - Access mode:, free. - Zagl. from the screen. - Yaz. Russian, English (date of the application: 12.05.2020)

Journal number: 
621.311, 621.331
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In electrical networks adjacent to the traction substations of the main railways electrified with alternating current, noticeable distortions in the quality of electricity are observed according to the criteria of voltage deviations, asymmetry and non-sinusoidality. Especially acute problems of low quality EE are manifested in networks powered by traction substations of the eastern sections of the Trans-Siberian Railway; at the same time, the maximum values of the asymmetry coefficients in the reverse sequence k2U can reach 6 ... 7%; similar data on the total coefficients of harmonic components kU are equal to 8 ... 10%. In the context of the digitalization of the electric power industry, including the transport one, the solution of the problem of reduced quality of electric power requires the use of computer technologies, which can be implemented on the basis of methods and tools for modeling railroad power supply systems developed at the Irkutsk State Transport University.
The article presents the results of studies aimed at studying the energy characteristics of non-sinusoidal modes in traction power supply systems. Based on the results of these studies, it can be concluded that based on the use of computer technologies developed at the Irkutsk State Transport University, time dependencies corresponding to the active, reactive and full capacities generated (consumed) by electric locomotives at higher harmonics can be deter-mined. Based on these data, one can reasonably approach the determination of the parameters of devices designed to improve the quality of electricity.

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