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Kutsenko S.M. Educational and methodological support “Organization of accessible environment in transport”. Regulatory framework [Electronic resource] / S.M. Kutsenko, M.O. Domozhakova, O.L. Malomyzhev // "Young science of Siberia": electron. scientific journal – 2020. – № 2(8). – Access mode:, free. – Zagl. from the screen. – Yaz. Russian, English (date of the application 13.07.2020)

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More and more importance has been attached to the accessibility of public transport for the disabled and low-mobility groups of the population.

Discipline «Organization of accessible environment in transport. The legal framework» forms the basic ideas about the legal requirements for accessibility of facilities and services for disabled and low-mobility groups of the population in transport.

Today, there are various concepts that characterize a comfortable environment for people with disabilities: accessible environment, barrier-free environment, universal design, inclusive environment, and others.

In this paper, the issues of accessible environment for disabled and low-mobility groups, as well as the legal framework for the organization of an accessible environment were considered.

The analysis showed that there are currently a number of regulatory laws and programs that provide accessibility to various types of infrastructure for people with disabilities.

In the course of this work, we have studied the normative and legal laws in international and Russian legislation. An important condition for ensuring the rights and freedoms of persons with disabilities was adopted by the universal Declaration of human rights and enshrined in the UN Convention. The main document in our country is the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which guarantees every person in need social security for disability. The Federal law of the Russian Federation defines the state policy in relation to disabled people. Based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation, these Federal laws and other normative legal acts of the Russian Federation determine the place of railway transport in the country's economy, regulate its activities and relations with consumers of transport services, and ensure its normal operation. The problem with the current system is the lack of legislation.

On the basis of normative legal documents, information posters were developed on the topic "organization of an accessible environment in transport".

List of references: 

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