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Kashkarev A.S., Perfileva P.V., Olencevich V.А. Primenenie modul'nyh gruzovyh edinic i modul'nyh gruzoperevozochnyh kompleksov dlya obespecheniya intermodal'nyh perevozok [Application of modular cargo units and modular cargo transportation complexes for providing intermodal transportation]. Molodaya nauka Sibiri: ehlektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal [Young science of Siberia: electronic scientific journal], 2021, no. 2. [Accessed 22/06/21]

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This paper discusses the introduction of modular cargo units and modular cargo transportation complexes. These concepts provide an opportunity to unlock the greatest potential of railway freight stations and the possibility of expanding the range of shippers, attracting representatives of small and medium-sized businesses.

The purpose of the development of new devices is to increase the level of competitiveness and environmental friendliness of railway transportation. The main disadvantage of using universal and specialized rolling stock when organizing the transportation of goods by wagon consignments is the impossibility of carrying out intermodal transportation by them on a door-to-door basis. railway transportation "from station to station". The use of the presented technology of modular cargo units makes all Eurasian cargo-handling railway junctions available for operation. The economic efficiency of rail transportation is achieved without the use of wagons and containers of highly specialized categories. Modular freight transport complexes differ from wagons in the ability to transform and change their specialization in the process of being used "outside the gates of a carriage plant" during their loading by any client of a railway carrier under his control - a shipper, a freight forwarder, a carriage operator, or an operator of a cargo unit on the principle of a Lego children's designer. by mounting cargo modules of the required specialization on container modules in the required quantity on existing vehicles - fitting platforms of the required length, universal platforms, or gondola cars of different models.

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