Karmadonov V. Y. Problems of virtual reality image quality and methods of their solution. The electronic scientific journal "Young science of Siberia", 2021, no. 1(11). [Accessed 14/04/21] (in Russian).
The current problems of virtual reality quality based on image quality and performance assessment are considered. The fundamental part of the virtual reality headset display is considered. The existing types, characteristics, advantages and disadvantages are considered.
A number of tests of methods for improving performance were conducted and conclusions were drawn based on this data.
The data obtained is used to develop an application for virtual reality. The data obtained is used to development application for virtual reality.
The current problems of virtual reality quality based on image quality and performance assessment are considered. The fundamental part of the virtual reality headset display is considered. The existing types, characteristics, advantages and disadvantages are considered.
A number of tests of methods for improving performance were conducted and conclusions were drawn based on this data.
The data obtained is used to develop an application for virtual reality. The data obtained is used to development application for virtual reality.
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