Suprunovskiy A. V. Primenenie sistemy Anylogic dlya modelirovaniya uchastkovoj zheleznodorozhnoj stancii [Application of Anylogic system for simulation of rail-road station]. Molodaya nauka Sibiri: ehlektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal [Young science of Siberia: electronic scientific journal], 2020, no. 2. [Accessed 25/08/20]
The article considers one of the possible approaches to describing the operation of a local railway station, based on the use of agent-based modeling, which involves the use of special active objects - agents with attributes and connections. There are three main types of agents: train, station, operational management. They are related both to each other and to external factors. Based on the technological process of the station, a group of basic operations is allocated for each agent. Anylogic system was chosen as the simulation environment. It allows you to create a simulation model, and also makes it possible to represent the objects in question in 3D graphics. The developed model makes it possible to identify problem areas in the technological process of the station's operation and makes it possible to develop measures to improve its performance indicators.
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