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Ryabov E.A., Potekhina A.M., Tikhonova M.K. Perspektivy razvitiya vysokoskorostnogo dvizheniya na Vostochno-Sibirskoj doroge. Preimushchestva i nedostatki. [Prospects for the development of high-speed traffic on the East-Siberian road. Advantages and disadvantages]. Molodaya nauka Sibiri: elektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal [Young science of Siberia: electron. scientific journals], 2019. no. 2(4). [Accessed 27/06/19]

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High-speed passenger rail traffic is one of the most promising areas of development of passenger traffic. In this article we have considered in detail the concept of high-speed traffic, its strengths and weaknesses, and development prospects. We studied the stages of the evolution of the VSD and considered the very first projects in history. Separately, we have analyzed the world and domestic practice of this type of transportation. Made a retreat to the most significant achievements in the field of construction of the WSM around the world. They also highlighted the achievements of the Russian Federation in the field of high-speed traffic, both in terms of traffic infrastructure and in the field of used traction trains. A key element of our article is the question of the possibility of the introduction of the IRS within the Eastern stage. To do this, we have consecrated a series of the most important aspects of the problem and proposed ways to solve them. These include: the Dependence of the profitability of transportation on population density, the need for financial investment and the difficulties associated with the climate and terrain. For each of the items, a review of the problems, analysis and put forward proposals to address them. In conclusion of the article, the conclusion is made about the prospects of development of SCM on the Eastern polygon.

Список цитируемой литературы: 

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