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Tatarnikova D. A., Tatarnikova N. S., Mikhailov E. V., Astashkov N. P. Modernizaciya ustrojstv kontrolya skhoda podvizhnogo sostava s cel'yu obespecheniya bezopasnosti i zashchity transportnyh kompleksov [Modernization of devices for control of rolling stock derailment in order to ensure safety and protection of transport complexes] Molodaya nauka Sibiri: ehlektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal [Young science of Siberia: electronic scientific journal], 2019, no 3. [Accessed 27.12.2019]

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In the conditions of increasing of movement`s speeds improvement of dragging equipment detector to ensure safety and protection of transport complexes is especially actual. In the course of operation of existing devices (SKVP and UKSPS), which are based on the principle of impact, there are "false" triggers when they are hit by pieces of ice, frozen snow and stones, which leads to the delay of trains. Considered in this article, the device for detecting of the wheelset`s derailing (USCP) is designed to eliminate the existing shortcomings.

List of references: 

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